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Tuesday 5th December 2017

2017 Jenks Prize Decision

The 2017 Richard D. Jenks Memorial Prize for Excellence in Software Engineering Applied to Computer Algebra has been awarded to Stephen Wolfram for Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica.

Stephen Wolfram has worked continuously in symbolic computation for over 30 years. The Wolfram technology stack paved the way for the development of the computation/knowledge engine that is Wolfram|Alpha. It remains the world's largest and most-used web / mobile symbolic computation engine, making symbolic computation and curated knowledge freely available to the world.

The plaque will be awarded during the banquet at the 2018 ISSAC in New York.

Monday 27th November 2017

George E. Collins 1928-2017

George E. Collins passed away on 21st November 2017 in Madison, Wisconsin at the age of 89.

George left an inspiring legacy that includes publications in logic, mathematics and computer science in seven different decades. He is probably best known within SIGSAM as the inventor of cylindrical algebraic decomposition and its application to quantifier elimination. However, to the larger community of computer scientists he is more likely better known as the inventor of garbage collection via reference counting. He also made seminal contributions in computer algebra systems design, polynomial gcd, resultant and subresultant algorithms, polynomial factorization and real root isolation, and many other subjects. George was made a fellow of the ACM in 2004 for his contributions to symbolic computation.

George is survived by his three daughters and three grandchildren.

Wednesday 11th October 2017

CCA Issue 200 (Vol 51:2)

Issue 200 (Vol 51:2) of ACM Communications in Computer Algebra (CCA) is now available.

It can be accessed via the ACM Digital Library here. This requires an ACM DL subscription (provided with SIGSAM membership).

The issue includes an article by Juan D. Velez, Juan P. Hernandez, Carlos A. Cadavid on Limits of quotients of polynomial functions in three variables. There are also abstracts from the recent MICA Workshop and East Coast Computer Algebra Day, as well as an article on the Life and Legacy of Wen-Tsun Wu.

Thursday 14th September 2017

Prof. Dongming Wang - Academia Europaea

Prof. Dongming Wang has been elected as a Member of the Academia Europaea. The announcement can be found on the MCS website.

Prof. Wang is author of three monographs, co-author of three textbooks and Editor-in-Chief of the Mathematics in Computer Science Journal. He is recognized for his work on automated geometric reasoning, polynomial elimination and triangular decomposition, and applications of symbolic computation to differential equations and biological networks.

Friday 4th August 2017

PASCO 2017 Proceedings

PASCO 2017 took place at the University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.

The proceedings can be found in the ACM Digital Library and contain all papers presented at the conference. The event was run in cooperation with SIGSAM.

Friday 28th July 2017

ISSAC 2017 Awards

The following awards were sponsored by ACM SIGSAM and presented at the ISSAC 2017 banquet last night.

  • Distinguished Paper Award: Dmitry Lyakhov, Vladimir Gerdt and Dominik Michels - Algorithmic Verification of Linearizability for Ordinary Differential Equations.
  • Distinguished Student Author Award: Thi Xuan Vu - Computing canonical bases of modules of univariate relations
  • Distinguished Student Author Award: Timothee Pecatte - Reconstruction algorithms for sums of affine powers
See the ISSAC Awards page for more details.

Wednesday 26th July 2017

ISSAC 2017 Proceedings

ISSAC 2017 is currently taking place at the University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.

For those not in Kaiserslautern, the proceedings can be found in the ACM Digital Library and contain all papers presented at the conference. The extended abstracts for poster presentations and software demonstrations will appear in a later issue of Communications in Computer Algebra.

Friday 30th June 2017

SIGSAM Elections

Elections have taken place for the new SIGSAM executive. The results are published by the ACM here and the Committee page is updated.

The new SIGSAM Chair is Prof. Chris Brown from the US Naval Academy. Also elected are: vice-Chair Lihong Zhi; Secretary Clement Pernet; and Treasurer Dan Roche.

Wednesday 24th May 2017

Jean E. Sammet 1928-2017

Jean Sammet passed away Sunday, 21 May 2017, at the age of 88. Jean developed FORMAC, an early Computer Algebra System. She was the first chair of SIGSAM, organized the first Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation (SYMSAM, precursor of ISSAC) and also served as the first female president of ACM.

Friday 19th May 2017

CCA Issue 199 (Vol 51:1)

Issue 199 (Vol 51:1) of ACM Communications in Computer Algebra (CCA) is now available.

It can be accessed via the ACM Digital Library here. This requires an ACM DL subscription (provided with SIGSAM membership).

The issue includes an article by Albert Heinle, Wolfram Koepf, and Wolfram Sperber on Some steps to improve software information, and abstracts from the Poster Presentations at ISSAC 2016.

Tuesday 7th March 2017

ECCAD 2017

SIGSAM is happy to sponsor the 2017 East Coast Computer Algebra Day.

The event, taking place at Wolfram Research in Champaign, Illinois, will include invited speakers: James H. Davenport, Bruce Reznick, Ekaterina Shemyakova and Dan Steffy. There will also be a contributed poster session. Click here to read the Call for Participation.

Friday 24th February 2017

CCA Issue 198 (Vol 50:4)

Issue 198 (Vol 50:5) of ACM Communications in Computer Algebra (CCA) is now available.

It can be accessed via the ACM Digital Library here. This requires an ACM DL subscription (provided with SIGSAM membership).

The issue includes an articles by Andreas Maurischat on Non-free iterative differential modules, and Fei Wang on a Proof of a series solution for euler's trinomial equation; and abstracts from the Poster Presentations at ISSAC 2016.

Wednesdsay 22nd February 2017

Upcoming Conferences

SIGSAM maintains a list of Upcoming Conferences. ISSAC 2017 will take place in Kaiserslautern, Germany on 25-28 July. Other meetings include:

  • 12-16 June 2017: MEGA 2017 in Nice, France.
  • 10-19 July 2017: FoCM 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.
  • 17-21 July 2017: ACA 2017 in Jerusalem, Israel.
  • 23-24 July 2017: PASCO 2017 in Kaiserslautern, Germany.
  • 31 July - 4 August 2017: SIAM AG:17 in Atlanta, GA, USA
  • 18-22 September 2016: CASC 2017 in Beijing, China.
  • 21-24 September 2016: SYNASC 2017 in Timisoara, Romania.
Click here to view the full list. To include your meeting on these lists contact