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St Andrews University

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ACM logo ISSAC 2000

International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation

August 6-9, 2000
St Andrews University
St Andrews, Fife, Scotland

Held concurrently with CALCULEMUS-2000, the Eighth Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic Computation and Mechanized Reasoning, August 6-7.

Sponsored by ACM-SIGSAM.

Supported by

The Edinburgh Mathematical Society (EMS)

The London Mathematical Society (LMS)       Numerical Algorithms Group      Texas Instruments

Waterloo Maple

ISSAC is an annual international symposium that provides an opportunity to learn of new developments and to present original research in all areas of symbolic and algebraic computation.  This year, the conference will take place August 7-9 and it will be preceded by a day of tutorials on Sunday, August 6.

ISSAC 2000 will be held concurrently with CALCULEMUS-2000, the Eighth Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic Computation and Mechanized Reasoning, which will be taking place August 6-7.

More information about activities that have taken place in previous years is available on the ISSAC Organization page. ISSAC 2001 will be held at the University of Western Ontario, in London, Ontario, Canada.

Conference Activities and Topics

Planned activities include invited presentations, research and survey papers, poster sessions, tutorial courses, vendor exhibits, and software demonstrations.  Proceedings and abstracts of all posters will be distributed at the symposium.  

Proposals for workshops, tutorial courses, demonstrations, panel discussions or related activities are welcome and should be communicated to the general chair of the conference.  User-groups, editorial boards or other associations desiring meeting space during the course of the symposium are encouraged to contact the conference organizers. 

The conference topics include, but are not limited to: 

  • Algorithmic mathematics:  algebraic, symbolic, symbolic-numeric and geometric algorithms.
  • Computer science:  computer algebra, computational logic, computational geometry, computational visualization.
  • Applications in: architecture, engineering, economics and finance, science, mathematics, education.
For a more detailed list of topics and information on submitting a paper or poster, please refer to the Call for Papers. and the Call for Posters.

Conference Location

ISSAC 2000 will be held at St Andrews University, Scotland's oldest university.  Visitors to St Andrews will discover a city full of charm and historical interest, and golfers will be delighted by the many famous and challenging golf courses in the area.  Information on local attractions can be found on the St Andrews home page. 

Further Information

Information related to the conference will be posted on this Web site as it becomes available.  E-mail inquiries may be sent to or to one of the conference committee members listed below. 

Computer Algebra and Golf

There is Maple code supporting James Davenport's after dinner speech.


Written inquiries may be directed to ISSAC 2000, School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews, North Haugh, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, KY16 9SS. 

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P. Chin 
Last modified: Thursday, 10-Aug-2000 15:32:57 BST